Information Systems Lecturer in Galway, Ireland


Blair Wang is a Lecturer Above the Bar in Business Information Systems at the University of Galway, Ireland (Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, Éire).


Wang B., Schlagwein D., Cecez-Kecmanovic D., & Cahalane M.C., 2024, ‘‘Emancipation’ in Digital Nomadism vs in the Nation-State: A Comparative Analysis of Idealtypes’, Journal of Business Ethics, doi:10.1007/s10551-024-05699-8.

Wang B., Ciriello R. F., & Mathiassen L., 2023, ‘What is paradox in Information Systems research? Towards a narratology’,, paper presented at the Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), Wellington (New Zealand). (paper)

Wang B. & Prester J., 2022, ‘The Performative and Interpretive Labour of Videoconferencing: Findings from a Literature Review on ‘Zoom’ Fatigue’, paper presented at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Copenhagen (Denmark). (paper) (slides)

Wang B., 2022, ‘Programming for Qualitative Data Analysis: Towards a YAML Workflow’, paper presented at the Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), Melbourne (Australia). (paper) (slides)

Wang B., Schlagwein D., Cecez-Kecmanovic D., & Cahalane M.C., 2020, ‘Beyond the Factory Paradigm: Digital Nomadism and the Digital Future(s) of Knowledge Work Post-COVID-19’, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, vol. 21, no. 6, article 10, doi:10.17705/1jais.00641.

Wang B., Schlagwein D., Cecez-Kecmanovic D., & Cahalane M.C., 2019, ‘Digital Nomadism and the Market Economy: Resistance and Compliance’, paper presented at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December, Munich (Germany). This paper was the winner of the Natalie F. Hardwicke Best Student Paper Award. (paper) (slides) (ResearchGate: 336304547)

Wang B., Schlagwein D., Cecez-Kecmanovic D., & Cahalane M.C., 2019, ‘Beyond Bourdieu, Foucault and Habermas: Review and Assessment of Critical Information Systems Research’, paper presented at the Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), December, Perth (Australia). (paper) (slides) (ResearchGate: 336304307)

Boell S. & Wang B., 2019, ‘, an IT Artifact Supporting Exploratory Literature Searches for Information Systems Research’, paper presented at the Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), December, Perth (Australia). (paper) (slides)

Wang B., Schlagwein D., Cecez-Kecmanovic D., & Cahalane M.C., 2018, ‘Digital Work and High-Tech Wanderers: Three Theoretical Framings and a Research Agenda for Digital Nomadism’, paper presented at the Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), December, Sydney (Australia), doi:10.5130/ (ResearchGate: 330938637)

Wang B., Lim E.T.K., & Van Toorn C., 2016, ‘Gimme Money! Designing Digital Entrepreneurial Crowdfunding Platforms for Persuasion and its Social Implications’, paper presented at the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), July, Chiayi (Taiwan). (paper) (poster) (ResearchGate: 324676733)


Blair has taught more than 1,000 students at the University of Galway, the University of Sydney, and UNSW Sydney.

MS5130 (Applied Analytics in Business and Society: R, RStudio, Quarto, Markdown, Mermaid Flowcharts, Leaflet) at the University of Galway — Lecturer, 2024.

MS805 (Database Systems: SQL, MariaDB, Mermaid ERD) at the University of Galway — Lecturer, 2023.

INFS1020 (Working in Digital Ecosystems) at the University of Sydney — Tutor, 2018-2021; and Lecturer, 2022-2023.

INFS6060 (Digital Work Practices) at the University of Sydney — Tutor, 2020; Lecturer, 2023.

INFS2822/INFS5715 (Programming for Data Analytics: Python, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, Leaflet) at UNSW — Lecturer, 2020-2021.

INFS2605 (Intermediate Business Programming: Java, JavaFX, NetBeans) at UNSW — Lecturer, 2019-2021.

INFS5978 (Accounting Information Systems) at UNSW — Guest Lecturer (Topic: Cybersecurity for Accounting Information Systems), 2018-2019.

COMM5011 (Business Data Analysis) at UNSW — Tutor, 2018-2019.

INFS1609 (Introductory Business Programming: Java) at UNSW — Tutor, 2018.

INFS3605 (Information Systems Capstone Project) at UNSW — Grading, 2018.

INFS3617 (Networks and Cybersecurity) at UNSW — Tutor, 2018.

INFS3611 (Information Systems Project 1) at UNSW — Grading, 2015.

INFS(1602|1603|1609) at UNSW — PASS (Peer-Assisted Study Sessions) Leader, 2015.

Blair is accredited as an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA).

Additionally, Blair has completed the UNSW Business School Tutor Training program (2018), the University of Sydney Business School Tutor Development program (2019), and the UNSW Foundations of University Learning and Teaching Program (FULT) program (2020).


Blair is currently serving as Managing Editor of the European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS). He also regularly serves as Reviewer for various academic journals, and Reviewer or Associate Editor for various Information Systems conferences (e.g., ICIS).